Thinking Style Assessment

Thinker Type Test (Public) V2.0

Thinking obviously plays a tremendous part in everything we do. It influences our decisions and actions. With the Thinker Style Assessment, discover and develop your understanding of how you think to improve your individual and team performance.

The test has 80 statements that you must rate based on how much you agree with each. Score ranges from 1 (the lowest value) to 5 (the highest value), going "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree".

Most people complete this assessment in 30 to 40 minutes.

This Thinker Style Assessment is provided for introspective purpose. It is not intending to offer psychological advice of any kind.


Once you submit this assessment, you will get your Core Thinking Style, namely which of the four Thinking Styles (Relational, Practical, Experimental and Analytical) is the most strongly expressed in your Thinking Blend.

To get more details about your Thinking Style, including your Thinking Blend and how your 16 Thinking Traits are ranked, request a dedicated report.

Please provide your personal details (first and last name) so we can inform from whom is coming the invitation to your invitee.

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